General Robert Edward Lee, Hampshire County, Virginia, Hardy County, Virginia, Henry Lee III, Light-Horse Harry, Lost River State Park, William Edward West

The West Virginia Summer House Of Former Virginia Governor Henry Lee III – General Robert Edward Lee’s Father

Henry Lee III served in the American Revolutionary War, as a member of the Continental Congress from 1786 to 1788, the Virginia House of Delegates, three one year terms as a Virginia Governor, under the Federalist Party, and was appointed by President George Washington, as a U.S. Army Major General, to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion. On December 26th, 1799, Henry Lee III spoke at George Washington’s funeral in Philadelphia, Pennslyvania where he famously stated, “First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen”. Soon after the first U.S. President’s death, in 1800, Henry Lee III had a summer home built in Hardy County, Virginia, a county that on December 10th, 1785, was formed by the Virginia General Assembly from parts of Hampshire County. From 1808 to 1809, Henry Lee III was imprisoned for unpaid debts. During that time he wrote the book about the American Revolutionary War, which was titled, “Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States”.

Artist William Edward West created this posthumous portrait of Virginia Governor Henry Lee III.

Presently, the historical house, of the Lee family, is situated within the “Lost River State Park” in Mathias, West Virginia. The house operates as the “Lee House Museum”, also known as the “Lee Cabin Museum”.

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